12/20/2024: Our policies have been updated – please see below and download the updates!
Our normal pickups are a maximum of one 95 Gallon Garbage Can and 5 bags of yard waste or 5 bundles of limbs (or a combination of 5 items) per week.
PICK-UP – Please have all Garbage and Recycle out by 7am or the night before to ensure pickup. All trash must be in tied plastic bags (per Cobb County Solid Waste Ordinance Sec. 102-69). Rates are based on average household waste; persistent excess garbage may require additional charges.
SHARPS CONTAINERS – Per guidelines from Cobb County, must be Double Bagged, Properly Labeled and Clearly Visible for Proper Handling by our Crew.
PAINT – Must be DRY with Lid Off beside the can (Maximum 5 Gallons per Pick Up).
YARD WASTE – Yard waste (excluding bundled limbs) must be in paper yard waste bags designed for this purpose and cannot exceed 30 lbs. each. Be cautious and mindful of rain since paper bags can get soaked. Wet paper bags tend to fall apart when the workers attempt to load them in the trucks. Limbs may not be greater than 2 inches in diameter and Limb bundles cannot be longer than 4 feet or more than 12 inches in diameter.
ANYTHING MORE than this (including CHRISTMAS TREES) must be Scheduled and picked up by our Special Pick-Up Program.
PLEASE NOTE any yard waste over the maximum of 5 items, more than 5 gallons of DRY paint, plastic bags filled with yard waste or anything other than normal bagged household garbage in cans will only be picked up by our Special Pick-Up program and MUST BE SCHEDULED.
PAYMENTS – Payments not received 10 days after the due date will be assessed a $10 late fee. Accounts more than 30 days past due are subject to interruption. Returned check charges are $25. Bills can be paid on the website using the One-Time Payment option or setting up/using an Online Account created through the Customer Number and Access Code on the statement (both options under the My Account tab); by mailing a check to P.O. Box 440892, Kennesaw, GA, 30160; or through bank bill-pay. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit and debit cards. AutoPay with credit or debit cards can be set up through an Online Account or by calling the office. Payments are due Jan. 1, April 1, July 1, Oct. 1. Annual payments may be made with the bill due Jan. 1; multiply the quarterly rate times 4 and subtract $12 for making the annual payment.
For Regular Trash Service, These Items Are NOT Acceptable:
- Explosives, Flares, Ammunition, Firearms, Any Pool Chemicals or Empty Pool Chemical Containers
- Batteries or Any Other Item That Could Cause Fire
- Wet paint, Chemicals, Fertilizer and ANY Hazardous Material or Bio-Hazard Waste
- Any Oil, Cooking Oil, Liquid or Solvent
- Any Metal, Wood, or Item that may Damage Our Equipment
- Medicine
- Any Tank/Cylinder that MAY HAVE compressed GAS/AIR/LIQUID of Any Type (LP Tank, Helium Tank, Fire Extinguisher, Etc.)
Recycling Policies & Procedures
Recycling is all about doing what is best for our environment. With that in mind, please follow these guidelines to make our efforts together have the greatest impact.
- Remember the Carbon Impact of our Trucks.
- If you just have a small amount of Recycle material, please hold it until your Recycle can is ¾ full. Stopping at every stop and running the Packer increases our Carbon output.
- Please collapse all cardboard boxes allowing us to run the packer less often.
- Please stack cardboard boxes in a way that our crew may easily “Grab & Go”. Some keep an open box and place collapsed boxes in it. Others tie and bundle with string.
- The more efficient our Recycle Run is the less Carbon it produces.
- Always use our “Tippable” Can for everything other than large Cardboard. We require all new customers to use our 65 gallon blue Recycle Can now. If you do not have this can, please look into getting one. Open containers create havoc on windy and rainy days, more stops and more work for our crew.
- Please be SUPER EFFICIENT in following the LIMITED accepted RECYCLE guidelines
(see WestRock Recycle Residential Single Stream Guidelines).
For Recycling, These Items Are NOT Acceptable:
Even though items are marked, “RECYCLE” that does not mean the Cobb County Recycling Center managed by WestRock accepts it.
- Air Filters
- Aerosol Cans
- All Styrofoam – any type
- All Plastic Bags – any type
- Appliances
- Batteries
- Bottle Caps
- Boxes with Plastic/Styrofoam
- Chemicals, Solvents & Oils
- Cylinders
- Egg Cartons
- Electronics
- Flooring, Tile, Wood, Construction Debris, Limbs & Yard Waste
- Food Waste
- Glass – any type
- Hose/Wire/Cable
- Most Metals (only aluminum cans and steel cans are accepted -clean, empty and without labels)
- Most Plastics (only #1 PET bottles and #2HDPE jugs & bottles are accepted – clean and empty)
- Paint & Paint Cans
- Pizza Boxes (considered contaminated by grease even though pictured in guidelines)
- Tires/Wheels
- Also see: WestRock Recycle Residential Single Stream Guidelines